Thursday, September 01, 2005


Thank you, Melissa, for letting me steal the title of this post!

Here's what I think about the Brad/Angelina/Jennifer triumvirate. I think it's okay for Brad and Angelina to be together. Whether she's just a rebound or a midlife crisis or a true relationship, they make a darn good-looking couple and they seem to be happy. I'm all about the celebrities being happy. If Brad needs to be a daddy, she comes with built in kids, and I wish them all the best as a happy little family. That reads like I'm trying to be sarcastic, but I'm truly not. I think Jennifer Aniston should go for Vince Vaughn. Sure, he may not be as traditionally handsome as Brad, but he's a heck of a lot funnier, and I think she needs funny more than good-looking. I think Brangelaniston have the right to privacy and it's okay if they don't want to talk about their private lives. I think they've all done an admirable job of keeping the whole thing pretty clean and not pulling each other down into petty games. I hope that continues. I don't think it was a good idea for Brad to immediately shack up with Angelina, but that's really a personal choice, so what can you do?

I know there are many of you regular readers who have husbands who think you're a little (dare I say it??) silly because of your celebrity obsession. My good deed for the day will be providing you an outlet for all of your celebrity-induced frustration! :)

Peace. Out.


Blogger - said...

I am one of those husbands. For every fanzine I find in our house I leave 3 dirty socks under Ashley's pillow. I'm the "Who Gives a Hound's Arse What Famey McFamerson wore to the Botox is Beautiful Awards" Fairy. She seems to love this.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

But....I can just feel Jennifer's pain....I know what it's like to publicly be humilated by the one you love...

Oh well...they do still ALL deserve happiness...

8:24 AM  

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