New Name...
I decided to change the name of my blog. I feel like I'm really coming out of the whole "quarterlife crisis" thing, so the former name ("Musings In the Midst of My Quarterlife Crisis") just didn't fit anymore. I do want to say that by naming my blog "Here's What I Think," I am in no way insinuating that you should actually care what I think. I just generally have a lot of opinions and this is a great place to share them. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading and feel free to share your opinions as well. Peace. Out.
As I recall, you have never had a problem sharing your opinion. You do, however, have a tactful way of knowing when and where to give it. I always admired how confident you were in yourself and what you believed. It has taken me years to get like that...and in fact, I am still working on it. By the way, Ed and I are on a 16 day road trip of New England. You should check out his blog. It tells you everything we have done!
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