Saturday, June 04, 2005

Speaking English...

Other than trying to get some pictures up, I promise this will be my last post about London. I know you're thinking...what could she possibly have to say that wasn't said already in that Great Wall of China-sized post from yesterday??? Well, I just wanted to share a few of the *minor* differences between American English and (as they say) the Queen's English. We'll do American English on the left and the Queen's English on the right. These are only words or phrases Paul and I actually heard while there, not stuff we've heard from others. Here we go....

Exit = Way Out
Entrance = Way In
Yield = Give Way
Umbrella = Brolly
A long time = Donkey's years
Stroller = Pushchair
Subway = Tube or Underground
Bus = Coach
Elevator = Lift
Movie Theater = Cinema
Television = Telly
Soccer Player = Footballer
Trash = Rubbish
Trash Can = Bin
Called (I called him yesterday) = Rang (I rang him yesterday)
Trunk = Boot
Luggage Cart or Shopping Cart = Trolley
Refill = Top Up
Gas = Petrol
ATM = Cash Machine or Cashpoint
Mom = Mum

Feel free to share any you may have come across! :)


Blogger Barrett said...

i speak American...

1:02 PM  
Blogger Iris said...

Of course, there's the nappy or napkin, which is a diper.

And my personal favorite, a "fanny" is the "lady parts," thus giving the statement "I keep my pencils in my fanny pack" quite a twist.

11:32 AM  

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