Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Up for a move, anyone?

Apparently, there's an organization called Christian Exodus that is trying to convince Christians to move to Greenville, SC. The purpose of the moving is to influence a small, but important state's government on behalf of the conservative, Republican agenda. There's lots of info on their website and also in a USAToday article I just read earlier today.

It seems about 20 people have already made the move and the main guy is hoping that by 2014 there will be enough Christians in the area to really make a difference in the State elections.

There are so many things I'd like to say about this, but for now I'll focus on my discomfort with the use of the word "exodus". Exodus means a mass departure. CE is asking people for a mass arrival. I'm sorry, I know that's the least of the issues with this organization, but that really bothers me.

I also just don't understand the purpose of an organization like this. I completely support wanting to rally Christians together and even encouraging them to act more like a unified body so as to make a real difference in our country and world. But this has the ring of cult-ness to it. The whole thing, to be honest, just makes me feel a bit...icky.

What do you think?


Blogger Barrett said...

This doesn't sound cultish to me. I understand what you mean, but as I understand the definition of the word 'cult' (not from or some secular definition), there must be some attribution of Messiahship or Lordship ascribed to someone other than Jesus, generally the leader of the 'group.'

Having said that, I believe this political move may have more impact in another section of the country, where political views are less Christian than more. The South is called the Bible belt for a reason. If the leaders of this organization were seriously trying to change things, they should move to Michigan or Ohio or Wisconsin.

I agree with you Michelle, exodus is the wrong term. Idiots....

12:44 PM  
Blogger Barrett said...

After reading a bit of their FAQ, I think that they are talking about the Exodus from everywhere other than SC to SC. In that regard, I can understand their choice for the name. SC is Israel, and the rest of the Union is Egypt.
The following is from their site.

Why was South Carolina chosen?

South Carolina was chosen as our destination State for the following reasons:

1. It already has a conservative Christian electorate.
2. It is the second smallest State in the Bible Belt in terms of population.
3. It is geographically small with a central capital, thereby making Statewide political coordination much more efficient.
4. In the University of North Carolina's Southern Focus Poll, approximately 16% of South Carolinians believed the South would be better off with its own government. It's the State with the highest response rate in the affirmative.
5. It is deemed a "free sovereign and independent state" in the Paris Peacy Treaty of 1783. No legal document can be produced to demonstrate that its existence as such has ever terminated. The U.S. Constitution is merely a delegation of these sovereign powers and nowhere is such delegation represented as absolutely permanent.
6. Three of the original 13 States (New York, Rhode Island, and Virginia) reserved the right of secession in their ratification documents of the U.S. Constitution. It being a right for those three necessitates it being a right to all equal parties in the compact, including South Carolina.
7. It has coastline and harbors.
8. It has no dominant liberal urban centers.
9. It has mountains.
10. It has an $8 billion annual tourism industry demonstrating its aesthetic desirability.
11. It has urban centers large enough to provide sufficient employment.

1:01 PM  

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