Monday, February 12, 2007

White people are awesome...

Some of you may have already heard about the U2'charist phenomenon. The church services featuring the music of U2 rather than traditional hymns and songs have made the news recently. I believe that spiritual encouragement can be found among secular works (hey, I spoke in Chapel using Harry Potter as my primary text and think Nick Lachey's "What's Left of Me" is the prayer of my heart!), so I don't really have a problem with the idea of using appropriate secular music within a church service. However, I fear having a themed service brings up a few issues: (1) the tendency to do something just to be "cool" with our Christianity, which I don't think should be a goal; (2) the problem of people not really tying it into a spiritual truth, but rather just zoning out and listening to cool music.

So, I don't know. What I do know, though, is that this news clip about one church participating in the U2'charist shows that white people have some pretty awesome dance moves. Especially the clergy.

Peace. Out.

***Check out my MySpace post of the same name for comments from those who read it over there:


Blogger Mark Daniels said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving comments.

As to your question: The painting of Hannah is by the Dutch painter, Jan Victors, who lived from 1620 to 1676.

Blessings in Christ,
Mark Daniels

10:50 PM  

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