Monday, April 11, 2005

In the beginning...

I'm so excited about my new blog and that I actually have comments! :) I'm still figuring things out, so if you are a fellow blogger (especially at blogspot) and have any tips or suggestions, please feel free to share. The main thing I'm trying to work out is how to have a section where I can link to my friends' blogs. Do I have to use a certain template? Is it somewhere in the settings?

I have been reading in Genesis for a little while now and some things have jumped out at me that I never really noticed before. Just thought I'd share...

Chapter 4 tells the story of Cain and Abel. After Cain has killed Abel, God asks him, "Where is your brother?" It reminded me of when Adam and Eve had sinned in the Garden and God asked Adam, "Where are you?" You know God knew the answer to those questions, but it's interesting that He asked anyway. It's almost like He was really saying, "Stop. Think. What's going on? What are you doing?" It should teach us to ask those questions of ourselves regularly so we don't have to face God asking us later.

Chapter11 recounts the Tower of Babel incident. Verse 4 says the people wanted to build a tower to their own greatness (New Living Translation), and God stepped in. I wonder if they had been building a tower to honor God, would things have turned out differently. Probably not, but it's interesting to think about. How many times do we build things up in our own lives that take our focus from God? How often do we puff ourselves up and take credit for things that are God's doing? We forget that all of our accomplishments are only by God's grace. He should be the one we build up and honor.


Blogger Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

AMEN to that, sista!!!!

I think I can help you with the friends link thing...just give me a call....

4:24 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I think I just found what I need to link to friends' pages. But I'll call if I need anything else! Thanks!!!

6:16 PM  
Blogger Barrett said...

it is also interesting that God spoke to Cain like he spoke to Adam and Eve. almost like he was still very close to all the humans on the earth. i guess that is a given though, considering there were probably less than 25 people in the whole world at the time. weird.....

12:26 PM  

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